What is Ortho-K?

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses are hard contact lenses (Rigid Gas Permeable – RGP) that are worn overnight to correct vision for the next day. Unlike normal contact lenses, which only act as a vision aid, Ortho-K custom lenses reshape the cornea (the front surface of the eye).

The Ortho-K lens themselves do not push on the eye to change its shape, instead a hydrostatic pressure is created in the tear film which redistributes the cells on the surface of the cornea. Ortho-K is a non-invasive and non-permanent process to correct vision and is similar to retainers to straighten teeth but unlike teeth the eye will return to its original shape within a short period.

Orthokeratology can also be known as: Ortho-K, Corneal Refractive Therapy, CRT, Vision Shaping Treatment, VST, Gentle Shaping System, The Gentle Vision Shaping System, Corneal Molding, Wave Front Corneal Molding, and Gentle Molding


Ortho-K is great for people who:

dot point    Tend to lose their contacts
dot point    Are unable to wear disposable contact lenses due to lifestyle
dot point    Have allergies to some contact lenses
dot point    Are dry eye sufferers – due to environment, lifestyle, or medical
dot point    Do not wish/are unable to have laser surgery but want the advantages of it
dot point    Are presbyopic
dot point    Are mild hyperopic (up to +5.00)
dot point    Are mild to moderate myopic (between -1.00 to -10.00)


Benefits of Ortho K

Great for sports, especially water or contact sports, gardening, camping, bush walking etc. You can have visual correction without the risk of losing contact lenses, breaking glasses or the added risk of damage or infection to the eyes.
Occupations in which glasses or contact lenses interfere with performance, such as law enforcement, firefighters, athletes, and those who work in dusty environments, won’t have to worry about cleaning glasses or maintaining clear vision while working.
It is a reversible procedure, at a lower cost than laser surgery (and can be performed on a younger eye). The cornea does not have to be cut, burned or vaporized.

It has the potential to stop shortsightedness from getting worse. Often during teenage years as the short-sightedness worsens, glasses require updating every 6-12 months to ensure clear distance vision. Studies have shown that Ortho K can slow or
halt the progression altogether1,2.